Brian Suttie offer Contact Lenses in St Albans.
If you haven’t worn contact lenses before – don’t worry. Most people are surprised by how comfortable they feel and how easy and convenient they are to use.
It is important to do a full eye examination before we fit contact lenses, to check the general health of your eyes and to find your optical prescription. Currently we charge £45 which includes retinal photographs.
Once this is done the optometrist can discuss which contact lenses would be most suitable for your eyes. We do soft daily, fortnightly and monthly lenses, lenses for astigmatism, multifocal lenses and gas permeable lenses as well as more complex scleral lenses and myopia control contact lenses.”
If you decide to go ahead we first show you how to handle the lenses, and once you are comfortable putting them in and out we give you enough trial lenses for a week or so. There is a charge of £60 – £90 depending on the complexity of the lenses required.
After the trial we will examine your eyes again to ensure the contact lenses are giving you the best comfort and vision. There is no charge for this as this is included in your initial fitting fee. Once the fitting is completed we will enrol you on our aftercare plan and you can start ordering contact lenses.
We offer Contact Lenses St Albans & Chesham wide.
If you you’re located in St Albans or surrounding areas and would like am eye test, don’t hesitate to get in touch.