Emergency Eye Clinic
If you have a sore or red eye we keep appointments free each day to see any eye emergencies.
Under this NHS funded scheme you may be referred to us by your GP, the pharmacist or you can just phone us or turn up at the practice and ask to be seen. There is no charge for an eye emergency appointment and you can come here even if we are not your regular optician.
We should be your first port of call for any sudden onset eye problems such as
- Pain and/or discomfort in the eyes, around the eye area.
- Sudden reduction in vision in one or both eyes.
- Recent onset or sudden increase of flashes and/or floaters in one or both eyes.
- Suspected minor foreign body in the eye.
We have all the equipment necessary to check your eyes thoroughly and in most cases can save you a trip to the hospital or a wait for a doctor’s appointment.